Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome 2013!

Now that Dec 21, 2012 is well past us, apart from a few sullen faced doomsday fanatics, humanity is back to the daily grind.

In many ways 2012 was a year to cherish and remember. We welcomed the brightest light in our lives, our lovely daughter on March 8 (on Women's day),  I finally managed to complete the biggest project in my career (to date) successfully on Oct 27th and oh yes finally got that promotion at work that seemed to be due forever. So thank you almighty for the infinite love and blessings that you have bestowed upon me and the family.

Of course 2012 had its fair share of darkness as well. There was the death of a family member, the horrible raping of a young medical student in Delhi that has the country up in arms, the ever growing menace of corruption, red-tape and absolute lack of governance in this great nation.

Despite all the negativity that seems to surround our lives, I am still hoping and praying that 2013 holds maybe just a small hint, a spark of much bigger positive changes to come. 

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