Thursday, June 03, 2010

Back Home!

I am finally back home in Bangalore after spending the best part of May in Phom Penh. The project is finally over and we successfully accomplished what we set out to do in December 2009 when we first started this project. The feedback from team members and the customer has been very positive and all I care about this time is for all the talk from the managers to translate into some extra money when the pay scale is revised in July.

I finally managed to go out and see the royal palace at Phnom Penh and the infamous S-21 jail where the mindless morons from the Khmer Rouge tortured innocent civilians during their terrible rule in the 19070's. It was definitely not a place to visit for the faint hearted.

We had all night our party arranged by our customer on May 24th which I definitely enjoyed although karaoke singing is definitely not my forte. My ability to guzzle beer is now a story of the that I probably will look back upon and get nostalgic about when I share a beer with my kids one day. I spent another afternoon shopping at Singapore. I figured out that I probably need to put side some money every month and save up to begin expanding my photography gear.

Getting back home was a pleasure and this time was made more memorable since my niece and nephew were visiting Bangalore. Having my sister dearest is always a pleasure although she spends most of her time working these days no matter where she is! The entire family went out to see Shrek 4 and I came out not feeling too impressed about the movie. Not quite the same as Shrek 1 or 2. Saw Prince of Persia too and liked it very much.

A trip to Hyderabad awaits this weekend and the only thing I am dreading is the weather. 42 frigging degrees! On top of that I seem to have sprained my back pretty badly and have been under bed rest the last 2 days. 

The monsoons will soon be upon us and I really want to take a trip to the jungles time permitting. The furniture in the house needs to be revamped. A good sofa set and a dining table seem to be top of the priority list. Am on the look out for a good notebook too so that the missus can come home early and work from home if needed. The hunt for a house too needs to begin again. So much to do and the biggest question that lingers is where is the money going to come from? Not a thought that worries me too much though. 

Finally got rid of Suzlon Energy, Idea Cellular and JK Lakshmi Cement from the portfolio and if the experts are correct (I hope this time around at least), I should have some money to invest in a good blue chip stock when the market falls/corrects the next time around.

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