Wednesday, May 12, 2010

..And more stocks tank!

WTF!!! Telecom stocks seemed to have tanked today. Bharti's down by 7% and so is Idea Cellular. And guess what? I own both stocks. Bummer! Apparently the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's recommendations on companies not having paid enough for 2G spectrum has something to do with the fall. Punj Llyod is also heading down and so is JK Lakshmi Cement.  I've been tempted to dump Punj Llyod and JK Lakshmi Cement and maybe Idea Cellular but will hold out a little longer to see what happens. 

I bought Reliance Communications at 150 day before and once again the timings been bad and the stocks down to 145. Damn! Not much damage done though since I got only 50 shares. 

Vishy Anand's done it again. Four time world champion! And the useless Indian media still devotes more space for the cricket teams loss to Sri Lanka at the T20 World Cup. Now I am a die hard Sachin fan (follow him on Twitter too), but if there was ever a sportsman that has continued to shine consistently at the world level its got to be Vishy Anand. Sachin is a genius and deserves every accolade that comes his way but Vishy deserves just as much applause as Sachin. Congrats Vishy!

I watched another episode of Austin Stevens Adventures on Animal Planet yesterday and the more I see of him, the more I certain I am that he is the best in the business. Yesterday's show saw him go to Swaziland to photograph the African White and Black Rhinoceros. Totally fascinating. His entire approach to his work and his passion for wildlife photography is so pure and natural. For anyone who's not watched his shows on TV, I highly recommend you to go see one. You'll be a fan, just as I have in no time.

10 days to d-day on the current project and everything seems calm and settled. I hope this is not the proverbial calm before the storm. I'd love to keep things just the way they are till I'm off the project. Calm! Mom and the missus zeroed in on a house which they absolutely loved and just when I made up my mind and decided to go for it, I've been told to hold back by the family astrologer who says this month and the next may not be ideal to conduct any financial transactions. Sigh! Maybe there's just a better home waiting to be picked. Listening to Summer Holiday by Cliff Richard. Takes me back to the memories of seeing this move in Mr. Rajan Thomas Mathews place in Lovedale. Aah..nostalgia!

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