Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend and Cricket Fever

A disappointing end to an otherwise nice weekend. Disappointing because the Mumbai Indians played some poor cricket and lost the finals of the IPL. Sachin was as usual the only standout batsman apart from Pollard and every newspaper, website and magazine in India has the same opinion that Pollard should have been sent earlier and that sending Harbhajan at number 4 was a disaster. 

I wonder what logic the think tank had sending Nayar in at number 3. They were better off sending maybe Tiwary or Rayudu in and have them take on the CSK attack while having Sachin defend fort at the other end. Shikar Dhawan did not do too much and Jayasurya was always a better option in my opinion. The two dropped catches cost Mumbai dear too. The first 5 overs resulted in 17 odd runs and once the field restrictions were off it was always going to be a mountain to climb.

Having said that Dhoni captained well and CSK at the end deserved to win. CSK owner Srinivasan 's astrolger must be a happy man! I did catch a glimpse of Mukesh Ambani on TV and he looked really nervous. Surprising that a game of cricket causes even the biggest businessman in India to have sweaty palms! Mumbai will do well to retain Pollard for the next edition and buy someone like Raina and Bollinger. They'd be really good assets for the team.

the weekend was spent relaxing and visiting close friends and doing a bit of shopping. I've laid my eyes of a nice pair of Puma sneakers that I am getting very tempted to buy. On the work front the next few weeks are going to be pretty hectic with the project in Cambodia nearing completion. I will be in Phnom Penh for the most part of May.

A complete health check-up is also on the cards. I've been getting some strange pains in the shoulder of late and might just do a complete checkup to see what condition the body is in. Now that the IPL is over the weekday evenings need to be spent in a more constructive manner. May a little walk in the evening would do me no harm? The house is in a mess with the servant maid on vacation for the whole of this week. We seem to rely so much on help from others to keep our houses clean and when they don't turn up for a few days you realize that your bed is no longer neat and tidy as it used to be, the bathrooms are not spic and span, the floors seem to be getting their 3 or 4th coat of dust and is is then you really appreciate the work that maids like Padma (out housemaid) do for us and we are only a minority within this country who can afford such luxuries. Teaches you to be humble and take nothing in this life for granted.

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